Asian-American International Beauty College
In 2022, 47% of undergraduate students attending Asian-American International Beauty College received financial aid through grants.
This chart compares the average net price of Asian-American International Beauty College (in red) with that of other similar universities.
Average net price is calculated from full-time beginning undergraduate students who were awarded a grant or scholarship from federal, state or local governments, or the institution.
47% of undergraduate students at Asian-American International Beauty College received financial aid through grants or loans in 2022. This represents a decline of 30.9% with respect to 2021, when 68% of undergraduate students received financial aid.
This chart compares the average award discount at Asian-American International Beauty College (in red) with that of other similar universities.
The average award discount is the ratio between the average grant or scholarship value, and the cost, which is the sum of out-of-state tuition, room, board, book, supplies, and other expenses.
Asian-American International Beauty College had a total enrollment of 463 students in 2022. The full-time enrollment at Asian-American International Beauty College is 428 students and the part-time enrollment is 35. This means that 92.4% of students enrolled at Asian-American International Beauty College are enrolled full-time.
The total enrollment at Asian-American International Beauty College in 2022, both undergraduate and graduate, is 463 students. The full-time enrollment at Asian-American International Beauty College is 428 and the part-time enrollment is 35.
This chart shows the full-time vs part-time enrollment status at Asian-American International Beauty College (in red) compares to similar universities.