Bakke Graduate University

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2020 Default Rate
on Student Loans
2022 Enrolled Students
40.9% Full-Time


In 2020 the default rate for borrower's at Bakke Graduate University was 0%, corresponding to 0 out of the 23 total borrowers.


Tuition Costs

2022 Undergraduate Tuition

In 2022, the cost of tuition at Bakke Graduate University was $0.

This chart compares the tuition costs of Bakke Graduate University (in red) with those of other similar universities.

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Other Student Expenses

The average yearly cost of room and board at Bakke Graduate University was of $0 in 2022. The cost of room and board remained the same by NaNk% between 2021 and 2022.

This chart compares the average student costs at Bakke Graduate University (in red) with that of similar universities.

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Student Loan Default Rate

Cohort default rates only account for borrowers who default in the first three years, and some schools only have a small proportion of borrowers entering repayment. These rates should be interpreted with caution, as they may not be reflective of the entire school population.
2020 Default Rate
Number of Defaults

In 2020 the default rate for borrower's at Bakke Graduate University was 0%, which represents 0 out of the 23 total borrowers.

A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), October 1 to September 30, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year.

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Bakke Graduate University had a total enrollment of 149 students in 2022. The full-time enrollment at Bakke Graduate University is 61 students and the part-time enrollment is 88. This means that 40.9% of students enrolled at Bakke Graduate University are enrolled full-time.

Full-Time vs Part-Time Enrollment

Full-Time Enrollment

The total enrollment at Bakke Graduate University in 2022, both undergraduate and graduate, is 149 students. The full-time enrollment at Bakke Graduate University is 61 and the part-time enrollment is 88.

This chart shows the full-time vs part-time enrollment status at Bakke Graduate University (in red) compares to similar universities.

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In 2022,  the most specialized majors across all degree types at Bakke Graduate University, meaning they have significantly more degrees awarded in that concentration than the national average across all institutions, are Theology (23 degrees awarded) and Business (3 degrees).

Common Jobs by Major

Most Common Job

The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University are Accountants & auditors (1,010,959 people), Other managers (656,305 people), Financial managers (475,718 people), Chief executives & legislators (358,647 people), and Firstline supervisors of retail sales workers (244,713 people).

The most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University in 2022 are Theology (23 degrees awarded) and Business (3 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Highest Paying Jobs by Major

Highest Paying Job

The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University are Surgeons, Diagnostic medical sonographers, Podiatrists, Cardiovascular technologists and technicians, and Media and communication workers, all other

The most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University are Theology (23 degrees awarded) and Business (3 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Common Industries by Major

Most Common Industry

The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University are Computer Systems Design (476,585 people), Banking & related activities (462,364 people), Elementary & secondary schools (461,771 people), Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping & payroll services (400,554 people), and Securities, commodities, funds, trusts & other financial investments (396,395 people).

The most specialized majors at Bakke Graduate University are Theology (23 degrees awarded) and Business (3 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Race & Ethnicity by Sex

Most Common Sex Demographic (2022)
  1. White Female
    5 degrees awarded
  2. White Male
    4 degrees awarded
  3. Black or African American Female
    3 degrees awarded

The most common race/ethnicity and sex grouping at Bakke Graduate University is white female (5 degrees awarded). There were 1.25 times more white female recipients than the next closest race/ethnicity group, white male (4 degrees).

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Instructional Salaries

Instructional Salaries
Number of Employees

In 2015, Bakke Graduate University paid a total of $150k to 2 employees working as instructors, which represents 22.7% of all salaries paid.

This is compared to a median of $975k (30.7%) for similar Special Focus Institutions.

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