66.8% of the households in NYC-Bronx Community District 4--Highbridge & Concourse PUMA, NY reported speaking a non-English language at home as their primary shared language. This does not consider the potential multi-lingual nature of households, but only the primary self-reported language spoken by all members of the household.
Most people in NYC-Bronx Community District 4--Highbridge & Concourse PUMA, NY used public transit to get to work, and the average commute time was 43.9 minutes. The average car ownership in NYC-Bronx Community District 4--Highbridge & Concourse PUMA, NY was 0 cars per household.
NYC-Bronx Community District 4--Highbridge & Concourse PUMA, NY borders NYC-Manhattan Community District 10--Harlem PUMA, NY, NYC-Manhattan Community District 11--East Harlem PUMA, NY, NYC-Manhattan Community District 12--Washington Heights & Inwood PUMA, NY, NYC-Bronx Community District 5--Morris Heights & Mount Hope PUMA, NY, NYC-Bronx Community Districts 1 & 2--Melrose, Mott Haven, Longwood, & Hunts Point PUMA, NY, and NYC-Bronx Community Districts 3 & 6--Morrisania, Tremont, Belmont, & West Farms PUMA, NY.